Release 1.16
We proudly present release 1.16 of innius:
What’s new in the Admin app:
- The functionality around machine connections has been developed into what is called Connectors. This recognizes that more than one machine can be connected using the same OPC UA or eWON Flexy connection.
- Using an eWON Flexy modem to connect a machine is now even easier; as we've replaced the Java method with the industry standard MQTT protocol.
- Sensors now have a data type setting, with three options available; discrete, continuous and counter. Discrete sensors produce data based upon predefined values. Continuous sensor data values vary depending upon whatever was measured. A counter sensor, produces values which count consecutively up, until it is reset. These three data types, affect the default graph style in sensor details in insight app, and which reports are available.
- A new functionality, machine properties, has been added. This supports data analytics and third-party data integrations. It’s possible to create custom or choose predefined properties.
- It is now possible to use real-time sensor values within dashboards.
- It is now possible to use view the OEE input measurements as separate values within dashboards.
Improvements in the Insight app:
- KPI performance has been improved.
- A button has been added to allow manual refresh of the KPI data.
- Several bug fixes.
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