Release 3.1.0
In-app product updates
As we continue to develop our services, we want to keep you informed about the latest and greatest innius features. To do this we have added a mechanism for us to post in-app messages relating to new product releases and updates. You will recognise this when you see the gift icon. Click it to open the message and dismiss when read.
Sunsetting old webapp
In June 2020 we released the new innius Insight app. We are pleased to see that the changeover for users has gone smoothly and the response extremely positive.
This now puts us in a position to be able to sunset the old webapp, which we expect to finalise by Friday 13th November 2020.
Service status
It is important to stay informed in the event of an innius service outage or downtime. To keep you updated, we have now added an innius service status page:
You can access the Service status page via the ‘Support’ menu on our website or in-app menus (user menu in desktop, side navigation in mobile).
The ‘Subscribe to updates’ button provides a number of options to keep informed with service incidents when they occur.
Streamlined support
The support process has been improved to make it easier to submit support requests and for us to respond. In addition to streamlining our internal procedures the link to submit support requests has been added to the in-app menus (found in the user menu in desktop, and side navigation in mobile). Again, this can also be accessed via the ‘Support’ menu on our website, with the button ‘Support request’.
The support request form can be used for any innius service questions, errors, feature requests or advice you may need. It allows our support staff to respond quickly and efficiently and generates a ticket number, the status of which can be tracked online. It also enables you to receive updates via email.
As usual other small improvements and bug fixes have also been made.
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