Release 3.6.0 – Batch Report & Dashboards
We’ve got another release announcement! Version 3.6.0 updates the Batch Report configuration and the innius plugin for Grafana dashboards.
Batch Report Configuration Improvements
The Batch Report in the Insight app displays sensor data which has been selected as having a relationship with a batch sensor. For each batch the sensor data can then be viewed in a stacked bar graph, and underneath in a data table. There are various sensor uses and so it is possible to view the data as either average, last or sum values. In the past this switch between value types was done in the Insight app, and this selection was then applied to all the displayed sensors.
But typically, only one of the value types: average, last or sum, will logically apply to each sensor. With this latest release the value type selection has been moved to the Admin app, where batch sensor relationships are defined. This new configuration allows the value type: average, last or sum, to be defined individually for each sensor and then saved.
By moving this to the Admin app, it simplifies use of the Batch report in the Insight app, and ensures the data is viewed consistently.
To learn more about configuring Batch and Recipe sensors in the Admin app you can refer to our Knowledge Base article ‘How to configure batches and recipes’ which discusses this in detail. There is also an article ‘Analysis Reports’ showing how to use the Batch report itself in the Insight app.
Grafana dashboard visualization enhancements
Based on extensive input from our customers, we’ve updated the innius plugin for Grafana, known as the ‘simple grpc data source’. The update enhances the options for visualizing data, which is explained in detail in our Knowledge Base article: ‘How to create a Grafana dashboard’.
In summary there are three query types:
- Get metric history; to show non-aggregated data.
- Get metric value; to show the last value of a selected time period.
- Get metric aggregates; to show aggregate data based on the selected time period.
Then there are two types of view:
- Interpolated. Raw data that is interpolated according to the innius sensor frequency and last known values.
- Changes. Time series data that only contains values which are different to the proceeding value.
Then if ‘Changes’ are being viewed there is a Visual Optimization option to ‘Fill Begin and End’, where a previous value is added to the beginning and last known data point is added to the end of the query period.
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