By establishing trusted relationships, companies join your network. Read more about this in the article: How to set up trusted companies.
It is then possible to share particular machines with particular companies as described in the article: How do I share machines with other companies?
But controlling whether or not personal data from your company is shared with others, works differently, which will be covered in this article.
Which personal information could be made visible to trusted companies?
Is you choose to do so, your company's innius users can share their name, profile image, email address and phone number with all companies in your network.
Where is shared personal information visible to trusted companies?
If personal data is shared, it is available in two areas in the Insight app.
Firstly, a user's name and profile image will then be found in relation to shared machines when the user places comments or participates in conversations. Their name will also be shown if tasks are assigned to them.
Secondly, on the People page, accessible to all users (regardless of whether machines are shared). This displays the available details of shared users within the trusted company network. To view this in the Insight app, open the side navigation and choose the option 'People' (1).
Then on the People page, you can open the panels for different trusted companies in your network, and view the personal details of shared users(2). This can be very useful if for example you wish to contact a specific service engineer.
How to control the personal information shared with trusted companies?
There are two levels of control regarding the visibility of personal information. Both are found in the Admin app, accessible to your company's admin users. The first level of control is a company policy and the second level of control is a individual policy.
Managing the company policy for sharing personal data
The company policy affects the personal information of all users within your company's innius account. There are two options:
- To make personal information visible by default to trusted companies in your network. The individual policy can still be used to make users invisible.
- To make personal information invisible to trusted companies in your network. This overrides any individual visibility policy.
To manage the company policy, open the company page in the Admin app, via the side navigation menu (3).
Then on the Company page open the panel 'Sharing People Data' to view the current policy, which in this case is set to 'visible' (4). This can be changed by clicking on the panel menu option 'Change user visibility' (5).
In the pop-up panel (6), the company setting can be changed from visible to invisible and vice versa.
Managing an individuals policy for sharing personal data
If the company sharing policy is set to 'visible', further settings can be used to make specific individuals invisible.
This policy can be managed in the Admin app, by first opening the side navigation menu and opening the People page (7).
On the People page you see a list of users within your company's innius account. The icons under the header 'Personal data' indicate whether the user's personal data is visible or invisible to trusted companies (8). Click the option 'Edit person' (9) on an individual's options menu to be able to manage their visibility settings.
On the 'Edit person' page, you can change the visibility setting between 'visible to trusted companies' or 'invisible to trusted companies' (10). Click 'Save' to save your changes and close the page.