Reducing downtime, starts by understanding how significant it is and what causes it. The innius platform's Downtime Reasons functionality can be considered in 5 parts:
- Defining downtime. When does it start and stop?
- Defining the reasons for downtime. What has caused it?
- Managing downtime reasons. Have reasons been correctly assigned?
- Analyzing downtime. Which reasons are causing the most downtime?
- Limits. How do limits work?
Defining downtime
Downtime start and end times are defined automatically, based on what is configured in the Admin app. (see: How to configure Downtime Reasons) This means that it is not possible to change the start and end times of downtime. Although it is possible to split periods of downtime (see: Splitting downtime into separate periods in the Operations app).
Defining the reasons for downtime
When downtime occurs, it is presented in the Operations app under the heading 'Submit reasons' (see: Submitting downtime reasons in the Operations app). Operators then need to choose one of the possible reasons they are shown. The possible reasons can either be fixed, meaning they are always available, or dynamically based upon other sensors.
It is also an option to allow a description to be added once a reason has been selected.
Note: From the time downtime starts, downtime periods are available in the Operations app for 9 hours. All downtime periods remain available in the Downtime Management area of the Insight app. This is to prevent operators being overwhelmed with large numbers or downtime periods requiring responses, and also allows for shifts to be completed, at the end of which operators can assign reasons for all downtime which occurred during their shift.
Managing downtime
The Insight app includes the Downtime reason manager (see: Managing downtime reasons in the Insight app). This covers all machines and provides a list of downtime periods, whether reasons have been given and what they are. This also allows downtime reasons to be split, and reasons and descriptions to be given and changed.
Analyzing downtime
Downtime can be analyzed in the Downtime Report, found with other reports in the Insight app (see: Analysis reports).
Downtime events are limited to 300 per day (see: Downtime reason limits)